KnowLaw Journal on Socio-Legal and Contemporary Research is the flagship journal of KnowLaw Publication, established with the objective of promoting academic research and fostering debate on contemporary legal issues. The journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, focusing on socio-legal and contemporary writing. The remit of the journal is not restricted to any particular field of law but is broad enough to include national as well as international socio-legal and contemporary affairs.
The Journal keeps its scope wide open to accommodate all fields of law, national as well as international with an aim to provide the readers with legal opinions and analysis. The Journal provides our readers with an avenue to stay updated on legal developments all around the world. The platform also provides students as well as professionals an opportunity to exchange ideas and share their thoughts and knowledge with the rest of the world.
Who are we?
KnowLaw is a pioneering educational initiative aimed at promoting academic research and fostering debate on contemporary legal issues and to advance the availability of legal resources.
Publication Details
Publication managed and owned by KnowLaw through Pratik Banerjee. Drop an email at Admin@KnowLaw.In.
Operated at 133, Shanti Nagar, Near Shiv Durga Mandir, Panipat, Haryana.
Contact Information
Reach out to us at 9996520356 (Office) for any queries. You can also drop us a WhatsApp Text. KnowLaw can also be reached via mail at Info@KnowLaw.In.
- Giving a thorough perception of Socio-Economic occurrence and how it interacts with judicial and policy making processes.
- Encouraging comparative and interdisciplinary study to create a comprehensive and multi-faceted perspective on the complex issues facing today’s society.
- Playing a pivotal part in fostering critical and intellectual discussions of current problems and the debate that surrounds them.
Paper Submission Guidelines
- The content of the submission should be original and unpublished and not be under consideration elsewhere.
- Authors should refrain from submitting their manuscripts elsewhere while it is under consideration at KnowLaw.
- The submission must conform with the below mentioned word limit.
- Articles: 5000-8000 words.
- Short Articles: 2000-5000 words.
- Reviews: 1000-2000 words.
- Case Commentaries: 1000-3000 words.
- The word limit excludes footnotes. However, considering the research quality and depth, some flexibility may be allowed, and the word limit could vary.
- The submission should include an abstract of approximately 250-300 words with no more than 7 keywords. Additionally, please provide a cover letter detailing the author(s)’ information.
- All submissions must use Times New Roman Font with a font size of 12 and a line spacing of 1.5. For footnotes, Times New Roman Font with a font size of 10 and a line spacing of 1.0 should be adhered to.
- The preferred citation method is the Bluebook Citation method. However, if you choose to use any other citation format, please ensure uniformity throughout the paper.
- Plagiarism should strictly be limited to 20%.
- Authors are strongly advised to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in their submissions.
- Authors are advised to divide the content of their submissions with proper headings and sub-headings.
- If the content of your submission contains any data, use quotation marks, and also cite the source.
- The Publisher and the Editors retain the right to delete or edit any article or part thereof if the manuscript requires changes or if its content is deemed offensive, defamatory, unethical, suggestive of racism, sexual or religious discrimination, or is contrary to public order, decency, or morality.
Want to get your Papers published at KnowLaw Journal?
Thank you for expressing your interest in publishing your paper with us. Please send us your Manuscript accompanied by a Cover Letter including details about the author at Editor@KnowLaw.In. We will review your submission and get back to you at the earliest convenience. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate on your publication.